Job opportunity : Professor – Mila Mulroney Research Chair in Women, Policy & Governance Leadership

Mila Mulroney Research Chair in Women, Policy & Governance Leadership

St. Francis Xavier University (StFX), one of Canada’s leading primarily undergraduate universities, seeks exceptional candidates for the Mila Mulroney Research Chair in Women, Policy & Governance Leadership. The Mila Mulroney Research Chair is a newly created endowed Research Chair within the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government.

The roles of women and issues related to women within policy and governance is a critical area of policy and governance scholarship. The Chair’s research program will focus on advancing knowledge and understanding of issues affecting the roles of women in addressing a broad range of policy and governance priorities. The responsibilities of the Chair will be: to undertake research in collaboration with local, regional, national and international researchers and networks; to secure research support from external funding sources in support of the Chair’s research program; to provide research leadership within the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government; and to contribute to the Institute’s overall suite of research-related activities and programs. The Chair will be expected to have an appointment to, and teach courses in, the undergraduate Public Policy and Governance program. StFX has a strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as research that is conducted in partnership with Indigenous and other under-represented populations in ways that are responsive to their research interests, including research with a feminist perspective. Candidates who can contribute to these efforts are strongly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will have the potential to attract and mentor student researchers in a small, primarily undergraduate university environment. 

StFX welcomes applications from emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field, as well as established and accomplished researchers in the area of women, policy and governance. Candidates should have training in policy analysis and research, experience in the public sector will be considered as an asset. The successful applicant will be offered a tenure track or tenured position at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. Salary and rank will depend on experience and qualifications. The Chair will be an initial five-year appointment with potential for renewed five-year terms following internal review. To support the research program of the Chair, the successful candidate will be offered a reduced teaching load equivalent to half the normal StFX teaching requirement. The University prides itself on the excellence of its teaching and research, the success of its graduates, and its strong commitment to community partnerships and social justice. StFX offers an intimate learning environment and a curriculum that encompasses Faculties of Arts, Science, Education, Business, a School of Nursing, and the Coady International Institute. Our historic residential campus is home to just over 4,000 students from across Canada and around the world, as well as over 200 full-time faculty members dedicated to providing our students with a post-secondary education conducive to intellectual and personal growth.

Consideration of applications will commence October 1, 2020. Applications must include a curriculum vitae, a description of the proposed research program for the Chairholder, and a summary of experience with research mentorship and training. Applicants are encouraged to submit samples of research outputs with their applications. Applicants must also include the names of three referees.

Applications should be sent to: 

Dr. Lavinia Stan

Co-Chair, Search Committee for the Mila Mulroney Research Chair in Women, Policy & Governance Leadership

St. Francis Xavier University

PO Box 5000, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada B2G 2W5

Electronic submissions in the form of pdf files may be sent to:

The University Strategic Research Plan is available at

The Brian Mulroney Institute of Government website is at:

St. Francis Xavier University is an advocate for equity and is committed to ensuring representation in our community. We welcome applications from members of visible minorities, women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities. StFX seeks to maintain its commitment to excellence and recognizes that increasing the diversity of its faculty supports this objective. Procedures to allow non-Canadian chairholders to work in Canada have been established by Employment and Social Development Canada.