Info Session—Master of Public Policy Administration and Law (MPPAL)

For over a decade now, the MPPAL program has established a strong track-record of advancing public service careers.
Our part-time program was designed to provide mid-career professionals in the broader public service with the skills needed for effective public administration and public policy analysis, with an emphasis on the themes of law, social justice, program evaluation, leadership and public sector management.
With the approval of York University’s Senate in March 2019, we are now able to also offer a full-time option to a limited number of junior professionals who have already acquired at least some work experience in the public sector and who wish to study full-time while continuing to work part-time.
Please note, as a primarily part-time program, the Admissions Committee will reach out to those applicants who would like to interview for the full-time option, so do express this in your cover letter. The majority of applicants will enter the program as part-time students.
Students also have the option to attend classes at York’s Keele campus or at York’s convenient downtown Toronto location (Vantage Venues, 150 King Street West). Full-time students will study alongside the MPPAL program’s part-time students. Classes are offered exclusively on evenings and weekends.
Come and join MPPAL Graduate Director Prof. Naomi Couto to learn more about the MPPAL program at one of our upcoming information sessions.
In following health and safety protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic all Information Sessions will be held Remotely via Zoom. The Zoom Link/Invite will be sent to registered participants shortly before the session starts.
Register for one of our upcoming Remote Information Sessions (registration link below):
- Tuesday, October 27, 2020. 6:00 to 8:00 pm – Register Here
- Saturday, November 14, 2020. 1:00 to 3:00 pm – Register Here
- Tuesday, November 24, 2020. 11:00am to 1:00 pm – Register Here
The MPPAL program application deadline is January 15, 2021.
Diverse Career Paths — Click here for our Alumni and Student Testimonials.
SPPA Newsletter. A must read!