DeCelles Award: Call for Nominations


IPAC and CAPPA’s Pierre De Celles Award recognizes the outstanding skill, accomplishment and commitment of an exceptionally creative and effective teacher. Pierre De Celles was Director General of École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP), and was known as a gifted teacher.

IPAC and CAPPA are calling for nominations of excellent mid-career post-secondary teachers in the field of public administration who have demonstrated:

  1. Consistent concern for improvement of their courses, both in terms of content and delivery;
  2. Consistent concern for improvement of their courses, both in terms of content and delivery;
  3. Consistent concern for improvement of their courses, both in terms of content and delivery;
  4. Experience in teaching a diversity of students (e.g. young and mature students, civil servants, local/regional/national and international programs.

In sum, CAPPA and IPAC are looking for excellent teachers who bring a variety of experience and knowledge, as well as passion to educating and inspiring current and future public sector professionals, or new entrants to academe.

The Deadline to submit your Nominations is June 18, 2021.

The award winner will be announced at the Annual IPAC Conference to be held virtually, August 23-24, 2021.

Criteria for Assessment

  1. Demonstration of positive innovation in teaching (i.e., course or program design and delivery, including remote/online instruction).
  2. Contribution to the improved quality of the education experience for students and/or faculty in their unit or faculty.
  3. Contribution to the richness of the education experience for students and/or faculty in their unit or faculty (service above and beyond one’s responsibilities).
  4. Demonstration of recognized breadth in teaching expertise (e.g., various types of students such as mature or practitioners, various types of programs such as professional practice or short programs, expertise in international training, experience with remote/online teaching).

In sum, we are looking for excellent teachers who bring a wide variety of experiences and knowledge as well as passion to educating and inspiring current and future public sector professionals and academics.

To nominate a colleague, your nomination submission will include:

  • A short letter of nomination (max 500 words), outlining the achievements and contributions of the nominee, and a
  • Maximum of three short letters of support from colleagues, students, and others; outlining the key teaching achievements and demonstration of proof of the award criteria.
  • Student evaluations, letters and testimonies of others are appreciated, but not required.

Please submit completed nominations to Andrea Rounce, at by end of day June 18, 2021.