Getting to Implementation:
The Politics of Pipelines
Sponsors and Partners
This Year’s Case

The 2018 National Public Administration Case Competition was held at Simon Fraser University’s School of Public Policy on February 23 & 24, 2018. The case centred around the controversial development of the “Pronteau Oil’s Plateau Pipeline” for the transportation of bitumen from Alberta through British Columbia to Burnaby. There it would be loaded onto vessels and sent overseas for refining. The scenario, which was based on the Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain Pipeline Expansion and the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline, required students to prepare a briefing note and oral briefing, including options and recommendations using the Kamloops region as a test.
- 2018 Case: Pronteau Oil’s Plateau Pipeline
- Cas 2018 : Vers la mise en oeuvre – la politique de construction de pipelines

The competition was judged by
- Sylvie Bérubé, Assistant Deputy Minister, Western Canada and the Territories Region, Services Canada
- Chantale Courcy, Director General, Regional Operations Learning Programs Branch, Canada School of Public Service
- Cassie Doyle, CEO, Canadian International Resources and Development Institute
- Tim Philpotts, Partner, Ernst & Young, Infrastructure Advisory
- Mark Sieben, Deputy Solicitor General and Deputy Minister, B.C. Public Safety and Solicitor General
- Don Wright, Deputy Minister to the Premier and Head of the B.C. Public Service
We owe each of the judges a debt of gratitude for their time, rigour, and experience.
The competition attracted thirteen excellent teams representing universities from across the country. Each of the teams performed extremely well.
Top Team Presentations
- Simon Fraser University (Gold)
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.1 MB) - Carleton University (Silver)
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.2 MB) - The Johnson-Shoyama School, University of Regina/Saskatchewan (Bronze)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF, 377 kB)
Other Team Presentations
- Concordia University
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 883 kB) - Dalhousie University
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 5.7 MB) - Glendon College
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.1 MB) - Queen’s University
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.2 MB) - Ryerson University
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 852 kB) - University of British Columbia
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 4.1 MB) - Université Laval
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 2.5 kB) - University of Ottawa
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 3.1 MB) - University of Toronto
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 1.8 MB) - York University
Powerpoint presentation (PDF, 2.2 MB)